The health of your teeth is not something you think about after the surgical removal of an Acoustic Neuroma - well I didn't.
The facial paralysis on the right side of my face means that it is very hard to chew on that side, therefore by far the most work is done on the left side. That means that the teeth on the that side have been exposed to twice the wear and tear as they would have been if I had no paralysis.
This extra wear and tear, and the lack of saliva, has resulted in the teeth on the left side wearing out quicker than normal. As a result I have just had a bridge fitted on the upper left side !!
The teeth on the right side are not wearing out due to work, but are deterioating because of a lack of saliva. It just goes on and on.
Dear John,
What don't you consider stem cell therapy to recover and heal your facial nerve.
The cost is not high, about 7000 euros, and the best clinic is in Germany, very successful treatments. I operated my neuroma, but i asked to leave remaining tumor to be treated with radiation or so, on the 5th day after surgery i had a coffee in the coffee shop near hospital.
Still stuck deciding what should i do with remaining tumor, as there few options.
Please rest assured that your problem is solvable.
There is nothing to help with dry mouth other than conventional methods that you mentioned.
PLz, fight this, repair that nerve as I mentioned earlier. In fact there are some stem cell clinics in Thailand, but it needs to be the one taken from your marrow and injected back into your cerbrospinal fluid, in matter of days you will see improvement. People with cut spinal nerve, who are paralyzed and they are now able to walk, with help, but multiple treatment are needed for them.
I saw that you did not make any posts in 2010, i wonder if you are ok. Depression, you can take 5-HTP supplement, it is serotonin, and helps better than any other antidepressant, better than medication and it is natural. take vitamin B complex to help you with the function of you nerve.
As a primary management alternative,Stereotactic Radiosurgery has been the most viable option for treating Acoustic Neuromas and other brain tumors.
visit:RadioSurgery India
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